Over the years, many doulas and midwives have requested a class tailored to their need to provide basic and effective breastfeeding support and management. This class addresses the new breast anatomy and physiology research that guides management practice; covers suck anatomy and physiology; and presents multiple management strategies for common but troubling breastfeeding problems, like engorgement and sore nipples (neither of which is normal).
By the end of the class, participants will be able to properly position an infant at breast, identify a sucking problem, properly manage engorgement, sore nipples, and mastitis, and identify when a client needs to see an IBCLC or other therapist.
Other lactation courses cover a broader variety of topics in less depth. Because the majority of people taking this class are already trained support people, this class is focusing on the technical aspects of breastfeeding support. The goal is to teach solid, ground level clinical skills.
There are no prerequisites or required training or credentials. It is open to anyone working with breastfeeding mothers.
This class is Saturday, January 23, 2016.
Class fee - $150. Payment is due in full upon registration.
Click here to register
Cancellation Policy: All class tuition fees are due in full at the time of registration. Tuition is non-refundable, but should you need to cancel your attendance in a class, your tuition will be applied to a future class.