spiritofhealingllc@gmail.com (614) 326-3504

Dr. Hazelbaker specializes in cross-disciplinary treatment and to that end has taken training in several modalities to best assist her clients. She is a certified Craniosacral Therapist, a Lymph Drainage Therapy practitioner, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

FREE INFANT CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY session - Columbus, Ohio - October 20 & 21, 2022

Dr. Alison Hazelbaker teaches her CranioSacral Therapy for Infant Breastfeeding for Advanced Practice CranioSacral Therapists course in Columbus, OH annually and we are in need of babies for each therapist to work with. We need 1 demo baby for Thursday afternoon and then we need babies at 9:30 am and 10:45 am on Friday.

Babies must be pre-crawling (up to 7 months of age). Please expect to be in the session for 1 hour. This session is absolutely FREE to you and your baby!

If you are in or around the Columbus area and would be willing to bring in your baby as a model, please call our office to set up an appointment - (614) 326-3504. Dates vary from year to year. For 2022, babies are needed on Thursday, October 20, and Friday, October 21.

Since this is for educational purposes, we do not double-book sessions and are relying on your commitment. Please only schedule the session if you know you can be there, as cancelled sessions mean a student loses out on the chance to learn and practice the skills they are learning in the workshop.

Free infant tongue-tie assessments

Dr. Alison Hazelbaker and Ms. Alyssa Ryan Calm offer free infant tongue-tie assessments at our clinic Monday through Thursday by appointment only. Each assessment lasts approximately 15 minutes and you can book an appointment by calling the clinic ahead of time. The clinic is available to infants aged 6 months and younger. The babies will be assessed for tongue-tie using the Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function (ATLFF). It is the only evidence-based assessment tool for tongue-tie. The clinicians will use the tool to determine if it is a tongue-tie that is causing functional issues or, if there is a different cause, they will discuss various treatment options. Each baby receives a diagnosis and a referral, if needed. This appointment is ONLY for tongue-tie assessments. If you need further help and/or have other questions, you will need to schedule an appointment to become an established client of our clinic or refer back to your current practitioner. Please call the office at (614) 326-3504 for information about the infant tongue-tie assessment and/or to schedule a free 15-minute tongue-tie assessment.




Please Note: Just as with any other healthcare provider, we are unable to provide you with advice via phone or email unless you first establish care. Establishing care consists of filling out intake paperwork and coming in for an initial appointment.