Dr. Alison Hazelbaker, an international expert on tongue tie assessment, treatment, and bodywork, is presenting a class to enhance the skills of craniosacral therapists in bodywork treatment of tongue tie, pre- and post- surgery.
The class will include:
- History of Tongue Tie treatment - Impact on structure and function
- Proper assessment - Treatment strategies pre-revision
- The "faux-tie" - Treatment strategies post-revision
- Co-morbidities - Scar tissue formation prevention
Dr. Hazelbaker will be demonstrating some techniques on a baby. Participants will have an opportunity to try the hands on techniques on one another.
This course does not teach craniosacral therapists how to treat a true tongue tie. It teaches the skills necessary to resolve co-morbidities and functional compensation patterns.
This course does not have any prerequisites, however it will be coming from the perspective of craniosacral therapy.
Class fee - $358